For the past decade, ACME Soccer Club has grown our competitive program from 7 teams, to over 70 teams in 2024. During the same time frame, our summer rec program has grown from a total of 0 players in 2014 to over 800 in 2024.
Join the Fun!

What makes ACME Rec Soccer Rule?
Games & Practices - The summer season runs for 10 weeks. There are two games per week and all games are played at Pamela Park. Practices are held for 30 minutes before games, as well as a dedicated practice time on Wednesdays.
Equipment - All players should be ready to go at the first practice with a soccer ball (put your name on it!), water bottle, shin guards, and outdoor shoes or cleats. Your coach will hand out your jersey on the first night!
Equal time=equal fun - We're big believers in including all players in all situations, so get ready to try out new skills and positions. Even GOALIE!
Coaching - All coaches are volunteer parent coaches. We look for three to four coaches per team, and a team manager. Be sure to note your willingness to coach when you're registering your player. All coaches get an AWESOME ACME Soccer Coach shirt. Don't worry about having to plan practices or find drills, we've got you all set up in TeamSnap with full access to the season long curriculum. SWEET!
Registration Information
Registration opens up in March and closes in August before the start of the season. Our goal is to put players on to teams with as many familiar friends as possible. Generally, this will be based on the school they attend. You can also add one "Friend Request" in the registration and we'll do our best to place players who each request each other on to the same team.
COACHES: One of the great parts of our community program is that our coaches are all parent volunteers. Please consider noting that you can coach in the registration. Our goal is to get 3-4 parents as coaches on each team. Don't worry, we've got full drills and practice plans available for you to use each week, so you don't need to have a soccer background to coach!
Registration Now Available
ACME Soccer Rec League is an affordable & friendly soccer experience for 6th to 8th grade boys & girls. The League gives the opportunity for players to develop soccer skills, learn to be a teammate, and have FUN while playing two games per week.
10 Week Season - $125 for 6th and 7th grade
11 Week Season - $150 for 8th grade (final rec year has the All City Jamboree)